Friday, February 28, 2014

Finally Friday

Good morning folks!!  TGIF

This has been a long, challenging week at work. One thing I don't talk about too much here is my work. I really wanted to write a long, ranting post yesterday, but I refrained. I tried very hard to be positive even though I didn't want to. And I think it worked. It actually wasn't a terribly bad day after all! But I'm more than ready for the weekend!

It's going to be a busy weekend here! We're getting up early in the morning to travel to Little Rock, Arkansas. I was going to run the marathon there on Sunday. But, after an eye opening 15.5 mile run, I changed my registration to the half. I've been nursing an ankle/heel/Achilles/peroneal tendon issue since the first of the year. I've been on a 2 week running hiatus. I'm a little nervous about trying to run this race. The smart thing to do would probably be to defer until next year. But I'm hoping for "fresh legs" after this rest period. I've called it the "ultimate taper" I would be a little more excited about it if the weather wasn't going crazy here. I could have at least had fun with it.  But the good old "polar vortex" is going to return over the weekend. They're predicting a winter storm for our area for this weekend. It looks like it will be cold and rainy on Sunday. I'm not thrilled about this. I don't like to run in the cold and the rain is just ok, but cold rain is another issue. This is one race where I'm really not even sure how to dress. I've been told to bring "everything" so I guess that's what I'll do. With the weather conditions and my injury issues, I'm just hoping to finish. I could really use some good running karma and thoughts on Sunday morning if you're so inclined. :-)

I've been concerned about nutrition and fueling since I made drastic changes (no gluten, no dairy and limited sugar) to my diet recently. But I think I've got a plan that will work out well. I used dried fruit and nuts a couple of weeks ago when I did 12 miles. At mile 10, I felt like I was out of gas. I needed more carbs I think. So, I'm planning to make a "trail mix" of nuts, fruit, dry Chex cereal and a few M&M's. I'm thinking that will work out pretty well. I plan to use my Nathan Minimist hydration vest, so I'll use Gatorade G2 for additional carbs. And I plan to have my old standby Honey Stinger chews in case I need more fuel. That should be enough :-)

Alrighty, that's my weekend preview. What's on your agenda for the weekend?

Whatever it is, be safe and have a GREAT one!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Workout Wednesday #8

Hello, hello y'all. We're halfway through another week already! I hope all is well with you!

I'm hopping on here quickly for a brief workout Wednesday post. I'm currently still on the running disabled list. I'm trying to stay active in other ways though. I missed spin class Monday night. I thought I had signed up for it and space is limited but when I checked, I actually had not and all the spots were full. I went home and did some upper body and core work. Last night, I got in a good cardio workout followed by dumb bell swings and weighted burpees. I finished with an ab workout. Tonight, I'm going to spin and Urban Fit bootcamp.

Yesterday, I was looking for new ab/core workouts to try and I found a site that I wanted to share with you. The Super Sisters have a ton of information on their website and they post free workouts on their instagram I combined a couple of their ab workouts last night for a very effective core workout.

So, check them out!

I'm keeping a close eye on the weather for my half marathon this weekend. So far, it's looking less than desirable.....cold and rainy :-(

Ok, until next time......get up, get out, and get moving! Have a wonderful Wednesday and rest of your week. :-)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Motivation~~Strength Training

Good morning folks!

I hope that you had a fabulous weekend!!  I did, it just wasn't long enough!

We went to the concert Friday night then we went out to a local club for a little while. We ran into my cousin and his friends there and had a really good time. Saturday, we went to our favorite lake to look at some properties to build a cabin. There were a couple of suitable ones that we are going to follow up on. And yesterday, I got a much needed sports massage. Then got the grocery shopping and meal prepping done.

This is race week and I'm supposed to be excited, but I am not sure I am. I haven't been able to train like I should have because of this Achilles tendonitis. I've run 13.1 repeatly so I'm hoping that this little hiatus that I've taken will given me fresh legs and it will be a good run. The weather is supposed to take a big ol' dump on us again next weekend, so that's another reason I'm not especially excited. I'm just praying the forecast changes between now and then!

Today, our Monday Motivation team is discussing strength training.

Strength training is a huge part of any exercise regimen. Most of us think that we need to spend hours in the gym doing cardio to lose weight and burn fat. But the more I read, the more I'm learning that might not be the case. I've been wanting to incorporate more strength training into my workout routine. Now that I'm not running as much (at all) this might be a good time to do so. I need to invest in a couple of sessions with a trainer to show me how to perform the exercises properly with good form, as I know that this important. But for now, I've been doing body weighted exercises. I love them because they are versatile. They don't take any special equipment and can be done practically anytime, anywhere. They are easy to modify to increase or decrease intensity based on one's individual wants/needs. For example, I've been working out for a while, so I add weights to mine to increase intensity. I do a weekly Workout Wednesday post. Here are a few of my favorite workouts: Dumbbell circuit , Strength training , Biceps, triceps, shoulders, Body weight circuit, Full body workout  Feel free to check those out or any of the others that I have posted. The important thing is to move your body everyday!! And be sure to link up with us to see what we have for you today.


Ok, I've got to get ready for work now. I'll be doing my strength training after work tonight as I'm still on a running hiatus. Get up, get out, get moving and make this a marvelous Monday!!

What's your favorite strength training workout?

Friday, February 21, 2014

What a week!

TGIF!!  I'm so glad it's Friday!  It has been a long, strange, busy, hectic week!! 

Wednesday was so busy and stressful at work. I was able to burn off some frustrations at spin class and Urban Fit after work though. Yesterday, I had a headache that I just couldn't shake. That made for a miserable day! Today, I'm taking the day off to go get my hair colored and pamper me just a little bit. I believe that we don't do that often enough.

Tonight, hubs and I are going to a concert. We're going to see Jonny Lang at the Riverspirit Casino in Tulsa. We're making a night of it and spending the night afterward. I am scheduled to run 6-8 miles tomorrow morning, but I'm still not running. So, hubs and I are heading to the lake to check on a property that we're interested in purchasing.

If you've followed me for a while, you know that the lake is my happy place. It's the one place that I can completely relax and unwind. For 3 years now, we've rented a site for our RV trailer. But we have a dream to eventually buy some property there and build a little cabin for our retirement home. I've been doing a lot of research on small homes and off the grid cabins recently. Hopefully this piece of land we're going to look at will get us one step closer to making our dream a reality!

So, that's all I've got for you today!!

Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Workout Wednesday #7

Howdy, howdy y'all! Happy Wednesday!
I hope you're having a good week so far. The weather is beautiful here this week. I'm missing out on some good running days :(
Sadly, I've had to take a little break from my beloved running due to my angry Achilles tendon. I've got an appointment with my chiropractor this morning and I'm planning to get a sports massage early next week. I'm hoping that will work enough of the kinks out so that I can get through the Little Rock Half marathon.
Since I'm not running this week, I've been concentrating on cross training. Monday after work, I went to spin class at 52 Fitness Tulsa and after ward I went to Urban Fit class. It's a boot camp style class with emphasis on strength and core. It's challenging and I'm really enjoying it.
On the days that I'm not going to the gym, I'm working out at home. I recently found this full body workout online. Let me tell you, folks, it is no joke! The first time I did it, I divided the reps in half and did it 2 times. The next time I do it, I'm going to each exercise AMRAP x 1 minute with about 10 - 15 seconds rest in between and repeat 3-5 times.
Check it out and let me know what you think.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Motivation~~Sweetheart Run race recap

Good morning friends!! 

Happy Monday!!

I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend!

Saturday was the Sweetheart Run at Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa. I ran the "doubler", the 5k and the 10k. This was my training run for the week. My schedule called for 12 miles so I had to do 3 on my own after the race. I ran the 5k in 33:07. I wasn't trying to PR. This pace was about 45 seconds faster than it should have been for a long, slow training run. I'm very competitive. I find it difficult not to get swept up in the "race" atmosphere and want to try to push it. I tried to slow down for the 10k, but I'm not sure I really did. I finished it in 1:11:50. I had gotten my right foot taped on Friday so I was hopeful that I wouldn't have any pain, but it bothered me for the whole race. After the 10k, I told my husband, who was volunteering at the beer tent, that I was going out for 3 more miles. I got about 1/2 mile down the street and realized that the next 3 miles were going to be the hardest part of the whole day. My heel hurt badly and I felt like I was out of gas. I was trying to run this race with no gels or gummies. I was fueling on dried fruit, nuts, honey, etc. I did about a 1:1 run/walk for the last 3 miles. I limped my way back to the store and rolled my calves while I waited for my husband to finish tearing down. After we ate brunch, we came home and I took a hot Epsom salt bath, put on my compression socks and proceeded to lay down for a nap with an ice pack on my heel. We were supposed to go out with friends that night, but I was in a sour mood, so we didn't.

Yesterday, while hubs dealt with a water leak, I food prepped like a boss!

I made: turkey "goulash", turkey meatloaf stuffed peppers/muffins, baked Dijon chicken, beef broccoli stirfry, roasted sweet potatoes, asparagus, steamed veggies, and quinoa.  That should last all week. And it's all clean, gluten and dairy free!! 

Our Monday Motivation team is linking up talking about their favorite cardio exercises today. Of course, mine is running. But running and I aren't getting along very well right now. My Achilles has been so irritable. Saturday it was abundantly clear that if I want to continue running for the long haul, that I'm going to have to take some time off. So, starting today, I won't be coaching Pathways for a little while. And the Little Rock half marathon is up in the air. I'm going to concentrate on low impact cross training for the next couple of weeks and then we'll see.  I'm really disappointed but I know from previous experience that a running injury isn't the end of the world. People ask me "why don't you just swim, bike, elliptical, etc" Of course I know I can do those things, but the bottom line is, I don't enjoy them like I do running. I don't get the sense of satisfaction from those other forms of exercise that I get from running. I've learned so much about myself since I started running. I learned that I'm strong and can do anything that I'm determined to do. Running has truly changed my life!! My second favorite cardio exercise is spinning, so that's what I'll be doing for the next couple of weeks.

Link up with us today and see what we have for you!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
What's your favorite cardio exercise??

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week in Review

Good morning folks! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Today is my anniversary! 9 years ago today I married my best friend. It hasn't always been easy, but it's been a great ride so far. And I'm looking forward to many, many years with him!!  He's such a good guy!! He sent me flowers, which I usually get upset about because I think they are frivolous. But it was so thoughtful and the flowers were beautiful!

 I was a little confused because they arrived yesterday. The florist couldn't guarantee delivery today so he had them sent early. :-) We aren't doing a big celebration tonight. I have a race/training run in the morning. We're staying home tonight and having something simple like breakfast for dinner. Then tomorrow night, we're going out the dinner and dancing with some friends. Our "big" celebration is next Friday night. We have tickets to the Johnny Lang concert at the Riverspirit Casino in Tulsa. And the weekend after that, we're going to Little Rock, AR so I guess you could say we celebrate all the time!!

Weekly recap:

This is week 2 of the #Movenourishbelieve challenge focusing on nutrition. I would say that the food and nutrition part come a little bit easier for me than the workout part. I try very hard to eat mostly clean, but recently I've been out of control. I've been eating cookies, crackers, chips, etc with reckless abandon. Consequently, I've been bloated and having stomach issues. So, I decided this would be a good week to do a reset and eliminate "junk" from my diet. I've cut out gluten completely. Aditionally, I have had very limited dairy and very limited processed sugars. I was expecting to be fatigued, irritable and have cravings like mad. Well, guess what. I haven't. And I feel great! I usually don't like to do progress pics but I've noticed such a drastic difference, that I just had to share! The pic on the right was Monday morning and the left was this morning. Wow!

Here's how the challenge had gone this week:

Monday: Go meatless. I made a huge pot of homemade minestrone soup for the week, so that was my meatless dish for the day.

Tuesday: Take your lunch to work. I always take my lunch to work because my cafeteria is the most unhealthy place in the world!

Wednesday: Write it down. I used to use Myfitnesspal faithfully but have gotten out of the habit recently. So this week, I started logging my meals again. It really is very eye opening!

Thursday:smoothie day. I have been enjoying a smoothie for breakfast for a while now. My favorite combination currently is: 1 cup almond milk, 1-2 handfuls of spinach, and 1 cup of frozen berries. Yum!

Friday: go raw. This one is going to be tricky for me. I didn't plan for it, so i'm not entirely sure what I'll do for it.

Tomorrow is the Sweetheart Run. My training schedule is for 12 miles. I'm going to do the "double" at the run (5km plus the 10km) and then I'll add on some more afterward. I'm looking forward to it this year. The past couple off years have been extremely cold. It will be about 36 when we start in the morning with bright sunshine with a high breast 60! Yay! Perfect running weather in my opinion!

Ok, y'all.....I'm out! Happy Valentine's Day! Have a wonderful weekend!

How are you celebrating Valentine's day?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Workout Wednesday #6

Hello folks! I hope you're having a great day so far.

I'm popping in late today, but better late than never. I had an early appointment with my chiropractor about my heel/Achilles pain issues. It was a very good visit. I'm confident that we'll get this issue fixed and hopefully soon.

Today is Wednesday and y'all know what that means--Workout Wednesday! I'm going to do a little something different today. Mother Nature has really wreaked havoc on my best laid workout plans lately. You're probably thinking, what does that have to do with "workout Wednesday". Well, I'll tell you. It has everything to do with it. You see, the past two weeks have been very cold with minimal sunshine. That equals zero energy and motivation for me. All I want to do at the end of the day is go home and put on my warm pajamas. So, my workouts have been pretty much non-existent lately. That's why I haven't done my #movenourishbelieve challenge update from last week, yet. Hopefully, we won't have much more cold weather to deal with, but if we do, here are some tips to help keep you motivated to workout in cold weather. I found this great article to share with you: I'm going to spin class tonight after work and I'm staying for the Urban Fit boot camp style class afterward. We're expecting much warmer temps over the next several days, so I'm hoping that will help keep me active. I might even be able to wear shorts on my run tomorrow night!

Another thing I want to talk about is last week's Biggest Loser finale. I'm sure you're heard every opinion under the sun about it by now. It's been all over the internet and has made quite the fuss. I wasn't even going to mention it until this morning. I came to work and overheard one of my friends putting herself down and belittling herself about her weight. She's already lost a significant amount of weight but isn't where she wants to be. She posted on her Facebook page yesterday that "she was going on a diet" and today I heard her taking about how restrictive she was going to be. Well, I had to to butt in and say something to her. I talked to her about clean eating and lifestyle changes as opposed to "dieting" We also talked about being too restrictive and how that leads to failure. It made me think about people who struggle with weight loss and body image issues. They see examples like Rachel's weight loss and think that is what they should do "it worked for her, she lost a lot of weight quickly and won a lot of money so that must be what I should do" I'm really disappointed and I think that this is the wrong message for BL to send. But those are just my thoughts.
How do you stay motivated to workout in cold weather?
What are your thoughts about the BL finale?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Good morning folks!!

We woke up to yet another blanket of the white stuff!! And you all know how happy that makes me.

We got our Pathways group run in last night before the snow started. It was bitterly cold and the wind just cut right through you. We were supposed to do 3.5 but I let the group talk me into cutting off the last 0.5 miles. I was glad and they didn't mind. I had a good sized group and I'm proud of them for braving the cold to get out there and get the miles done! I got to try a pair of Mizuno Riders. I really liked them! And I think that I've now tried every running shoe brand on the market! My heel was still hurting :/ I've got an appointment to see my chiropractor again tomorrow. Hopefully we can beat this thing soon!!

Tonight, I'm going to try something different, I think. I'm going to try the bootcamp that my friend Brandi has been going to for the past year. The last time I tried a bootcamp, I am pretty sure I ended up with rhabdomyolysis which is a very serious post workout condition that no one wants to deal with. I couldn't lift my arms over my head for 3 or 4 days after ward. Yuck!!  This new bootcamp has a 2 week special, so I'm going to try it and hopefully that will jumpstart my inconsistent cross training. I've got to do something. I've been far too lazy for far too long and bikini season is coming up soon!!

Yep, that would be my boss!!  Since I've got to drive 45 miles in 3 inches of snow, I'm going to cut this one short. You all have a fabulous day!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Motivation

Hello, hello!!  Happy Monday!!

I hope that you all had a great weekend!! We did!!

Saturday morning, I couldn't run with my Pathways group so I opted to run on the river in Tulsa. It was supposed to get up to 40, so I was pretty excited!!  I was planning to run 10 miles. It was cloudy and cold when I started. I warmed up fairly quickly but I had forgotten my buff. The trails were clear and all was going pretty well. The bridge at Southwest Blvd was snow/ice packed, so I had to walk that, but it cleared up as I hit the trail to the west bank. As I approached the amphitheater, I realized that I was going to need a bathroom break. Fortunately, my husband was waiting for me with water. I turned the corner by the amphitheater and noticed a big bird fly in and land in a tree about 50 yards from me. It was an eagle!!  It was so cool to see this majestic bird this close!

 I took a few pics then hubs took me to the QT down the street for the bathroom. After the pit stop, I went east over the 21st bridge. It was pretty snow packed and icy. I stuck to the outside edge and didn't have any slipping problems. The walkway down to the trail was slick, so I walked that part but once again, the trail was clear. I headed south toward 41st, where hubs was waiting for me. It was SO cold and the air was hurting my face!!  I had broken out the hand warmers by now and my right heel was hurting. I got to where hubs was just as my Garmin hit 7 miles. I decided that would be enough and called it quits. We met my friend Sarah for lunch at Jason's deli then headed home to warm up. The rest of the weekend was pretty much spent in pajamas!!  We wrapped up the Breaking Bad series on DVD. Yesterday, I grocery shopped and food prepped. I made a big batch of chili and homemade minestrone soup for the Move, Nourish Believe Meatless Monday. We also watched Escape Plan and Captain Phillips on DVD from the Redbox. Both were pretty good movies. I also got a little retail therapy yesterday. I went to JCP to return some things and they were having a pretty good clearance sale. I got a couple of workout capris for $14.39 and 10.38 plus I got a quarter zip pull over for $10.38!

Pathways is supposed to run 3 miles tonight but the arctic temps/wind chills have forced us to cancel our outdoor activities lately. It is still bitter cold today, so I'm anticipating an indoor workout tonight but we'll see. I'm also hoping to start a new bootcamp workout this week because I'm struggling to stay on the bandwagon all by myself. I'm thinking a group activity might help with that.

My Motivation Monday team has Healthy Valentine's Day Dinner ideas for you today. I'm running short of time, so I will have to post mine later. But feel free to link up with us and hop around to see what they've got for you.

Have a marvelous Monday!
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday Things

Good morning folks!

Yep! That's how I felt when I packed my gym bag this morning. I packed my outdoor winter running gear, making sure to grab my warm North Face gloves and my wool Buff. I'm listening to the weather forecasters talking about "blowing snow" and "wind chill advisories" They were also talking about "our next winter storm" Enough already! I'm over it! I also packed capri pants and a tank in the event that Pathways is cancelled tonight (I'm secretly hoping it is) I struggle with cold weather, winter running. I am always cold. I have trouble warming up. I often wear a jacket at work because I'm so cold. Therefore, I prefer running in warmer temperatures. I've tried to just deal with it, but a little bit goes a long way. Ol Man Winter has certainly worn out his welcome as far as I'm concerned!

Last night, after work, I went to spin class. I'm really enjoying spin. I'm glad they've added classes that fit in my schedule. Then I did a few hanging leg raises and a 5 minute plank (broken up into 1 minute segments) If Pathways is cancelled again tonight (they cancelled it last night d/t wind chill) I'm planning to hit the treadmill for a few miles followed by some core work.

And, that's all I've got for now.

Until next time......

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Workout Wednesday #5

Good morning!!

We're halfway there!!  Happy Wednesday!! I hope that you're having a great week so far!

I love Wednesday because it means that we're halfway through the work week! Another reason I love Wednesday is because it's Workout Wednesday when I share some of my favorite workouts with you.

Today is day #3 of the Move, Nourish, Believe challenge and today we're planking!!  The challenge today is to do a 5 minute plank. You can split that up into increments if you want/need to. I love planks because I think that they are wildly effective. And, because I like to shake things up, I will be doing this plank workout after my spin class tonight:

Or another option would be:

Ok, so let's get up and get planking today!!

Make it a Wonderful Wednesday!!

What is on your workout agenda today??
What's the longest plank you can hold?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Does anyone else think that Tuesday is the worst day of the week? Or is it just me??

Good morning and Happy Tuesday!!

I just popped in for a quickie....I don't know what the weather is like outside, but I'm listening to the news and it might be frightful. So I guess I need to get an early start for work. Or, I might wait till its daylight so that I can see what I'm dealing with. So far, it just looks like maybe a little bit of freezing rain and a light dusting of snow. Either way, I'm usually nervous about driving in it. It's not so much me that I don't trust (well, yes it is) but the all the other people out there trying to drive the normal speed limit or like there is no tomorrow. And, if they keep it up, there may not be one for them!!

It was a busy day at work yesterday with some challenging patient situations to deal with. I'm hoping that today will be a little bit better.

I got in a great run with Pathways AP2b after work last night. It was cold and there were some black ice patches, but everyone was careful and cautious. No one fell or got injured in any way, so that is a good thing. We increased our pace last night too and they handled it like champs. I'm really proud of them! I was going to keep the pace down to 11:00 because of the icy conditions, but they wanted to we did!! I haven't had any Achilles pain for about a week now then BAM! It was bothering me last night. I'm not sure if it was the increased pace or the high heels that I wore to work yesterday or a combination of the two but I sure didn't appreciate it! I did planks for the #corecommit challenge when I got home.
This was the sure the case last night!
Well, that's all I've got for you today. Have a terrific Tuesday!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Motivation Monday--Move, Nourish, Believe Challenge and Healthy Treats

Hello, hello!!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend!!

Mother Nature thwarted my long run Saturday morning. We were expecting freezing drizzle Friday night. I got up Saturday morning and checked the weather. It was clear at my house. I headed to Tulsa to run with my group. I arrived at Fleet Feet Sports as the marathon and half marathon groups were heading out on their run. I grabbed a map and started to familiarize myself with the route. We headed outside to do our active warm up when 2 people slipped in the parking lot, so they cancelled our run. Yep, that's right.....we never got out of the parking lot!!  And this week doesn't look much better! We're expecting 2 more winter storms with snow, ice, and bitter cold. It looks like I'll be getting my miles done on the dreadmill this week....UGH!!

Yesterday, I was busy meal prepping like a boss!!  I prepared: turkey meatloaf muffins, Southwest chicken breast, ground turkey tacos, ground turkey w/ diced tomatoes and spaghetti squash, roasted sweet potatoes, brown rice, green beans, and mixed vegetables. I also prepared homemade guacamole and corn & black bean salsa for our super bowl snacking. We're set for all week. Bring on the snow storm!!

Today is the first day of the Move Nourish Believe Challenge . Here's how it works:

Here's how it works:...
1. Each day throughout the month there is a new challenge. Conquer the daily challenges and post a picture of yourself doing so on Twitter or Instagram. Tag @LornaJaneActive & @FitApproach along with #mnbchallenge #sweatpink #lornajane
2. At the end of each week, recap your successes on your blog and/or Facebook page. Each blog post equals five bonus entries! Share the blog post on Twitter and tag @LornaJaneActive & @FitApproach.
**In order to win the $1000 shopping spree, you MUST participate in all 21 of the daily photo challenges.

Here's the schedule for the week:
Week One: Move

2/3: Sweat-it-out! -Show us your favorite way to sweat!

2/4: Change it up! - Sweat a new way! Select a workout from and show us your post-sweat session selfie.

2/5: Let's get planking! - Plank for at least five minutes today! You can split the planks up.

2/6: Buddy up! - Workout with a friend today!

2/7: Fave Friday! - Show us your five fitness favorites! Exercises, people, whatever gets you moving and motivated!

*Recap your week in a blog post!

My weekly goals are:

Monday: Run 3-4 miles; Core Commit Challenge
Tuesday: Upper Body Strength Training; Core Commit Challenge
Wednesday: Spin; Core Commit Challenge
Thursday: Run 3-4 miles: Core Commit Challenge
Friday: Core Commit Challenge
Saturday: Run 8-10 miles; Core Commit Challenge

Today is also Motivation Monday and we're talking about Healthy Treats

I try to eat clean at least 80% of the time. But I've got a sweet tooth and am easily tempted by candy, cookies, etc. . I often refer to cookies as my "gateway drug". While there is nothing wrong with an occasional treat, I find that if I allow myself to indulge in an occasional treat, that it's way too easy to allow myself to do it on a daily basis. I can easily derail all my hard work and efforts. It really is better for me to avoid these tempting treats. What works best for me for afternoon snacks, is fruit. I usually eat an apple with Justin's Maple Almond butter or a handful of nuts. Other healthy treats that I enjoy are:
Carrots/Celery and string cheese
String cheese and grapes
Dried Fruit and nuts
I'm looking forward to linking up and seeing what the rest of the team has to offer today! Feel free to join us!

What are your favorite healthy treats?
What is your favorite way to get your sweat on??

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)