Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Motivation~~Sweetheart Run race recap

Good morning friends!! 

Happy Monday!!

I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend!

Saturday was the Sweetheart Run at Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa. I ran the "doubler", the 5k and the 10k. This was my training run for the week. My schedule called for 12 miles so I had to do 3 on my own after the race. I ran the 5k in 33:07. I wasn't trying to PR. This pace was about 45 seconds faster than it should have been for a long, slow training run. I'm very competitive. I find it difficult not to get swept up in the "race" atmosphere and want to try to push it. I tried to slow down for the 10k, but I'm not sure I really did. I finished it in 1:11:50. I had gotten my right foot taped on Friday so I was hopeful that I wouldn't have any pain, but it bothered me for the whole race. After the 10k, I told my husband, who was volunteering at the beer tent, that I was going out for 3 more miles. I got about 1/2 mile down the street and realized that the next 3 miles were going to be the hardest part of the whole day. My heel hurt badly and I felt like I was out of gas. I was trying to run this race with no gels or gummies. I was fueling on dried fruit, nuts, honey, etc. I did about a 1:1 run/walk for the last 3 miles. I limped my way back to the store and rolled my calves while I waited for my husband to finish tearing down. After we ate brunch, we came home and I took a hot Epsom salt bath, put on my compression socks and proceeded to lay down for a nap with an ice pack on my heel. We were supposed to go out with friends that night, but I was in a sour mood, so we didn't.

Yesterday, while hubs dealt with a water leak, I food prepped like a boss!

I made: turkey "goulash", turkey meatloaf stuffed peppers/muffins, baked Dijon chicken, beef broccoli stirfry, roasted sweet potatoes, asparagus, steamed veggies, and quinoa.  That should last all week. And it's all clean, gluten and dairy free!! 

Our Monday Motivation team is linking up talking about their favorite cardio exercises today. Of course, mine is running. But running and I aren't getting along very well right now. My Achilles has been so irritable. Saturday it was abundantly clear that if I want to continue running for the long haul, that I'm going to have to take some time off. So, starting today, I won't be coaching Pathways for a little while. And the Little Rock half marathon is up in the air. I'm going to concentrate on low impact cross training for the next couple of weeks and then we'll see.  I'm really disappointed but I know from previous experience that a running injury isn't the end of the world. People ask me "why don't you just swim, bike, elliptical, etc" Of course I know I can do those things, but the bottom line is, I don't enjoy them like I do running. I don't get the sense of satisfaction from those other forms of exercise that I get from running. I've learned so much about myself since I started running. I learned that I'm strong and can do anything that I'm determined to do. Running has truly changed my life!! My second favorite cardio exercise is spinning, so that's what I'll be doing for the next couple of weeks.

Link up with us today and see what we have for you!!

What's your favorite cardio exercise??

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