Monday, November 18, 2013

It's go time!

Good morning folks!!  I took a day off Friday but I'm back!!

It's another Monday and I'm already ready to get this one over with!!  It's race week and that's almost as good as Christmas in my book!!

I saw my chiropractor Thursday afternoon and figured a few things out. Apparently I don't have plantar fasciitis....fortunately!!  I have some muscle imbalances that cause medial collapse when I land on my left foot. I've been using a green Superfeet insole in a stability shoe which is supposed to prevent over pronation but I think it's been contributing to the pain I was having. I got some strengthening exercises and have been doing them faithfully. I'm just ready to run without any pain or problems!!

Saturday was the last long run for my group before the Route 66 half marathon. We were scheduled to do 7. It was rainy and windy. It was a little bit chilly so they wanted to cut it down to about 6. We ended up with about 6.5 then we had a few post run mimosas.

I took the Superfeet out of my shoes and rain with no foot pain!! I'm excited about Sunday!!  The local weather forecasters were predicting 4-8 inches of snow which would have been interesting to say the least, but the weather is looking a little bit better now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays this way.

The rest of Saturday was uneventful and involved sitting in my chair with my feet up watching college football.

Yesterday, my plan was to get up early, get some shopping done and meal prep for the week. Before I got ready to go the store, I logged on to Facebook. I went to my Pathways group page and found a very interesting message waiting there for me :)  One of the runners had posted a random picture of the Route 66 marathon finish line with a quip about "getting our kicks on Route 66" in 1 week. What she didn't know is the photo that she found on Google wasn't random to me. It was a picture of my dear friend that died recently!!  I copied (stole) it and sent it to his brother. I believe that everything happens for a reason, including these coincidental things. I believe that was meant to reassure me about the Route 66 half because I'm been a little nervous......pacing the first timers, the weather, my injuries, etc. I was over whelmed with emotion but also felt a sense of peace. I'll be running this race in honor of my friend.

I did end up getting all my shopping and meal prep done yesterday as I had hoped/planned. We shouldn't have any excuse to eat poorly this week because I prepared baked chicken breast, turkey meatloaf muffins, baked sweet potatoes, asparagus, green beans, brown rice, eggs, a huge salad, and a turkey "goulash" which is browned ground turkey mixed with quinoa and veggies(squash)....yum!! 

I'll be running a couple of short runs after work this week and doing some yoga/cross training to keep everything limber and pain free for Sunday. I've got a pretty good idea what I'll wear but will probably tweak it once or twice this week.

And that's all I've got for now, so I'm out.......

Have a wonderful Monday and be awesome today!!


  1. I always think it's really interesting when the devices that are supposed to "help" with certain problems create other ones! Glad you have found a care team that's dedicated to helping you be as healthy as possible, good luck in your race!
