Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, Friday, Friday!

We finally made it to my favorite day of the week!! WOOHOO!!

The special socks and rolling my foot/tight calves must be working because my foot is feeling a little better already.

The service for my friend yesterday was very beautiful. It was a great tribute to him. His passing has really made me think about my own mortality. As a nurse, I know that life is short and that tomorrow is not guaranteed. But, his death really made me take a long hard look at my life. I had already decided to train for the Little Rock marathon before his passing, but now I'm even more determined. And for quite a while now, I've been saying that I would really like to get my personal trainer certification. Well, there's no time like the present!! I've decided to go ahead and pursue my fitness certification! I'm super excited to begin researching programs and to get started.

Tomorrow, my Path to Half group is scheduled to run 12 miles. This is going to be a distance pr for all of them. The weather is supposed to be perfect, so I'm excited about that!!

I think I'm going to have a date with my handsome hubs tomorrow evening. I would like to go out to dinner and then to a movie. Thor 2 comes out today, so that might be a good one to go see. And the rest of the weekend will be spent doing chores: laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, meal prepping, etc plus I'll be foam rolling these darm calf muscles!!

That's all I've got for now!

I hope that you're having a fabulous Friday!!

Any suggestions on a fitness trainer certification program??