Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Workout Wednesday

Howdy folks! Happy Wednesday!
I hope you're all having a great day!
It's a short, but busy week here! I have a short work week, so I'm trying to cram 5 days of work into 3 days.
My goal was to do the 21 Day Fix total body cardio and upper fix last night after work. I was late getting off work last night and was experiencing some severe pain in my right shoulder, back and neck. I lifted for shoulders, back and biceps on Monday, but I don't think that's what caused the pain. I have a history of arthritis in my neck and shoulder. I'm pretty sure that sleeping in the wrong position it's what caused the pain. At any rate, I took some anti inflammatories and applied ice to it. I thought about doing yoga or pilates instead but decided that my body was asking for a rest day.  It's much better today, so I am planning to do the upper fix and lower body fix after work.
For "Workout Wednesday" I've got a chest and triceps workout for you.
Until next time--get up, get out, and get moving! Whatever you do today, be awesome at it!
Your friend,

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Quick update/recap

Hello, hello folks!!

I hope that you all had a fabulous holiday weekend! 

First, let me apologize for my recent radio silence. The past week was pretty busy with my mother in law being in the hospital in ICU. She was quite ill and for us, that meant several late nights at the hospital with her. The good news is that she is on the mend. I have requested a rehab eval for her. And I suspect that we'll be moving her either to rehab or back to the skilled  nursing facility by the weekend.

We spend most of our summer weekends at our "happy place" Lake Tenkiller near Tahlequah, Oklahoma. We've been going there for 3 years now. Memorial Day weekend is usually the kickoff to our "lake season". But, with his mother in the hospital, we weren't sure that we were going to go. We finally decided that we would go on Friday night and spend Saturday then play the rest of the weekend by ear. It was mostly my idea because I thought that hubs needed to get away from the ICU/hospital for a little while. We left Friday, stopped to check in on her on our way, bought some groceries and got to our little camping trailer close to bedtime.

I woke up early Saturday and went for a run. It was about 65 degrees with 99% humidity. I thought I had charged my Garmin but apparently it didn't make good contact and was dead. So I had to run "naked" I really have no idea how far or fast I went. I think it was between 2 and 3 miles. I forgot how hilly it is at the lake!!  That plus the humidity plus I haven't been running all that much made it a little bit of a rough run. I walked one of the bigger hills but I still enjoyed being outdoors!

After breakfast, we got the boat in the water, met our friends and headed to "Party Cove" It's like a giant parking lot for boats where everyone ties up and socializes with each other. There are usually wild shenanigans that go on out there. We like to stay on the fringe and people watch. It was a little bit cool and cloudy but there was plenty of entertainment!!  We had such a great time with all of our friends!!

We woke up Sunday morning, checked on his mom and found out that she was doing much better so we decided to stay Sunday too. We went for a nice boat ride then went to Party Cove to people watch again. All in all, it was a great weekend! It was just the break from our daily lives that we needed.

We got up early yesterday, put the boat up, packed up our stuff and headed home. We stopped to check on his mom on the way home. She was awake and they had a good visit. She's getting better every day! We started the laundry when we got home and went to the store to get the weekly groceries. After that, I did the weekly meal prep. I didn't take pictures this week, but I prepped:
baked chicken, baked fish, steamed squash, steamed asparagus, brown rice and HB eggs.

We did a shoulders, back and biceps workout and by that time, we were ready for bed!

I love the lake but it's a challenge to maintain all the hard work from the week. I hate to undo it all on the weekends! I try to get in a run at least one day that we're there. And I try to keep our food reasonably clean/healthy. I had a few transgressions last weekend but I don't think it was all that bad. I took rotisserie chicken and sliced turkey on the boat for lettuce wraps with guacamole and fruit for snacks. And we had grilled chicken for dinner both nights. Adult beverages are always an issue. They're just empty calories and are counter productive for muscle growth. I did partake in a few but again, I tried to keep them few and far between and on the lighter side. I think I did ok but the proof will be when I step on the scale at work. EEK!!

This week, my fitness goals are:

Monday--back, shoulders, biceps
Tuesday--Total Body Cardio fix and upper fix
Wednesday--LEG DAY!!  Lower fix and legs
Thursday--Dirty 30
Friday--Chest and triceps
Saturday--2-3 mile run

Until next time--get up, get out, and get moving. Whatever you do today, be awesome at it!!

Your friend,


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Workout Wednesday

Good morning folks!! 

Woohoo! It's Wednesday and that means that we're halfway there!!

So much for wishing for an easier week! I knew it was too much to ask for! Late yesterday afternoon, my phone rang. It was a strange number but I recognized the prefix. My mother in law is currently a resident at a skilled nursing facility (nursing home) in a small town near where we live. She went there for "therapy" Well, apparently she started having some complications on Monday and was sent to the local hospital there. The phone call was from the hospital telling me that she had been transferred to the hospital where I work because "her condition was worsening" This was all news to me! No one from the nursing facility or hospital ever notified my husband or me that she had been sent there in the first place. I'm beyond angry!!!  I've been a nurse for a very long time and I simple cannot imagine not notifying a patient's family of changes in their condition! Simply unheard of and unacceptable!!!  Maybe I'm just an old fashioned nurse or my expectations are way too high!!  Needless to say, some heads are going to roll when I get ahold of them today!!  Mother in law is currently in the ICU in serious condition. Thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Monday night after work, I did a back/shoulders/biceps strength training circuit while watching The Voice. I missed the finale last night, but I know that Josh Kaufman won and deservingly so. He was very good!! I was planning to do Total Body Cardio from the 21 Day Fix after work last night, but with the current ICU situation, I missed my workout last night. :( Not to worry though, I'm planning to double up and get it done tonight!! Wednesday is my leg day so I'm planning to do the 21 Day Fix Lower Fix and then I'll probably do the Total Body Cardio that I missed last night. I have a feeling that I need to work up a good sweat and blow off some steam!! 

The point that I want to make for today's Workout Wednesday post is that despite our best intentions, we all have lives to live. Sometimes life gets in the way of our plans. The important thing to remember is that whatever the current situation may be, it is temporary. This too shall pass. It's important to not let life derail our plans entirely. Don't use life situations as an excuse to fall off the wagon. I've been guilty of this in the past. One thing I always tell the runners that I coach is "control what you can control" I obviously cannot control the situation with my MIL but I can control my eating and my workout.Yes, I missed my workout last night. But my eating was still spot on. And I've got healthy meals packed for today as well. I'm planning to hit it hard tonight but I also have a backup plan just in case the situation changes. I'm packing a gym bag and I can use the gym at work if needed. And this is my back up workout if need be.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" Have a plan, don't fail today!!
Until next time--get up, get out, get moving! Whatever you choose to do today, be awesome at it!!
Your friend,
Do you watch The Voice?
Who do you think should have won??

Monday, May 19, 2014

Motivation Monday

Good morning folks!!  Happy Monday!

The past 2 weeks have been the hardest, most challenging that I've had in quite some time. I'm hoping that this week might go a little more smoothly! I hope that you all had a good weekend!!

Saturday, I got up and did a chest and triceps workout. Then hubs and I did the weekly grocery shopping. We went to Ross and I got a pair of workout capri pants and a new pair of Nike Pegasus, too. We went out to a friend's birthday party later that night. Yesterday, hubs went to our place at the lake to do some work on our trailer and I stayed home to do the chores and weekly food prep. This week, I prepped steaks, yellow squash/zucchini, ground turkey meat, spaghetti squash, brown rice, baked sweet potatoes, hb eggs, and broccoli.

One thing that I really enjoy about blogging is the networking aspect. Recently, I "met" Danielle Prestejohn and I had an opportunity to work with her for the past 21 days. She is a Beachbody coach and gave several of us a chance to try the new 21 Day Fix workout program from Beachbody. I've tried other Beachbody programs in the past and really liked them, so I was excited about this opportunity.

This particular program includes an eating plan based on portion control. I believe that is where most people struggle on their weight loss journey. It is a very simple plan to follow. There are color coded containers that represent different food groups: protein, vegetables, fruits, starches, fats, nuts and seeds. You calculate that amount of calories that you need for the day and then you follow the guide that shows you how many color coded containers to eat for the day. For instance, the 1200-1499 plan includes 3 greens, 2 purples, 3 reds, 2 yellows, 1 blue and 1 orange. Super easy!!

As you know, I am already a meal planner/prepper. I weigh and measure all my portions. In all honesty, I didn't feel like I was eating enough. I felt hungry when I followed the plan. I noticed that I was loosing weight and that isn't my goal. I want to maintain and could actually afford to put on a few pounds of lean muscle. It was easy for me to adjust my intake by simply stepping up to the next meal plan. I think it was helpful for my husband to get a visual of correct portion sizes and how much food he should be eating as well as what types of food and when to eat them.

My favorite part of this program are the workouts. There are 7 different workouts. Each one is 30 minutes in length and are easily modifiable for beginners or if one is injured, etc. Although the workouts are short, they are effective. Scientifically, short bursts of exercise with short rest periods (HIIT) are highly effective for weight loss and fat burning. I love these workouts and will continue to incorporate them into my fitness regimen.

I'm pleased with my progress, so far.I'm seeing subtle little changes everyday.

Here's my workout schedule for the week:

Monday--Upper body strength training, back/shoulders/biceps
Tuesday--Total Body Cardio Fix
Wednesday--Upper fix
Thursday--Double day Lower fix and Pilates fix
Friday--Chest and triceps
Saturday--Dirty 30 (or 3 mile run if we are at the lake)
Sunday--yoga fix

Until next time--get up, get out, get moving. And whatever you do today, be awesome at it!

Your friend,


What are your workout plans this week?
Have you tried the 21 Day Fix?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Workout Wednesday

Good morning!!  What day is it??  It's "Hump Day" aka my second favorite day of the week!!  It means that we're halfway through this work week and we all know that I'm just working for the weekend!!

Last night, I was scheduled to meet my new trainer for the first time. But it was not meant to be. I had to stay late at work and will have to reschedule with my trainer. It had been a long, frustrating day. All I wanted to do when I got home was crawl in my pj's and go to bed.  But, I didn't. I worked out instead. I doubled up and did Total Body Cardio Fix and Upper Fix from the 21 Day Fix program.

I've been more consistent with my workouts the past 3 weeks. I'm already starting to see some changes in my body and I love it! I'm excited about the changes I'll see in the future!
Today is leg day and I am planning to double up again. I'll do the 21 Day Fix Lower Fix with an additional core workout.

Another reason this is my favorite day, is because it's "Workout Wednesday" That's the day I choose one of my favorite workouts to share with you. Now that it's starting to warm up and summer is right around the corner, that means short sleeves and tank tops. We all want sexy arms that don't jiggle. So, for today's workout, I'm sharing my quick "Sexy, Tank Top Arms" workout with you.

Until next time--get up, get out, and get moving! Whatever you decide to do today, remember to be awesome at it x

Your friend,


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Checkin' In

Good morning y'all!!

I missed you yesterday!!  I assumed that I would have time for a post from work, but it was far too busy and I never got an opportunity! I even had to eat lunch on the fly at my desk!  I really dislike days like that!! I always feel so scattered and I know that there are tasks that didn't get completed. I'm hoping today is a little slower so that I can get caught up!

Last week was not a good week for me. I was really sick! I thought it was my allergies initially, but I'm not so sure it wasn't bronchitis or something a little more serious. On top of that, my mother in law fell and broke her hip. Late nights at the hospital with her coupled with not feeling well led to a very tired, cranky, emotional girl!!  Sorry!!  She had surgery to repair her hip but has been having various other complications. Due to an abnormal heart rhythm, she hasn't been out of bed since the surgery. She is quite elderly and frail. We were talking about rehab initially, but I'm afraid that we may have to rethink our current discharge plan. Unfortunately, neither hubs nor I are in a position to quit our jobs and we're not equipped to bring her to our house. Caring for her will now be a full-time job, I'm afraid. I'm fairly certain we're going to have to pursue placement in a long term care facility.

We did get out to blow off some steam last weekend. We both needed it! I had planned to treat myself to a pedicure for Mother's Day. I ran into Ulta to choose a nail color. When I came out, I really felt compelled to check out the T J Maxx next door. I hit the jackpot!!  I got some new workout tops and shorts in addition to other assorted goodies! Then I went to Old Navy and found some additional bargains. I ran out of time for the pedicure but the retail therapy did the trick!

I had an "A-ha" moment that morning. I was getting ready to go to town. I grabbed a pair of jeans out of my closet. I didn't pay much attention to which ones they were. They went on effortlessly. Only after they were on and zipped did  I realize that they were size 27 Miss Me jeans that I never wore because I did a pretty descent sized muffin top in them. What a nice surprise!! 

Sunday was Mother's Day. I did my usual Sunday household chores and meal prep. But hubs told me if I got everything ready, he would cook it all on the grill so that could have a little break. I could really get used to that!!  This week we prepped grilled chicken, grilled steak, grilled veggies (zucchini, yellow squash, asparagus, peppers and onion), brown rice, mixed veggies, salad, and hard boiled eggs. I really try hard to keep meal prep simple and that strategy is working out for me, so far.

This is week 3 of the 21 Day fix. I'm going to continue the workouts. And tonight, I meet with my new trainer for the first time. I'm going to start with 6 weeks and see how that goes. I'm really excited about it!!  Strength training is something that I've really wanted to focus on for some time now. I've tried some home workout programs. But I'm tired of pussyfooting around. I really want to step up my game and challenge myself.

Until next time--get up, get out, and get moving! Whatever you decide to do today, remember to be awesome!

Your friend,


Friday, May 9, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up

I don't know about y'all, but I'm so glad it's Friday!

I can truly say this has been one of the most challenging weeks I've had in a long time. I try my level best to be as positive as possible here on the blog. Nobody wants to hear from a "Negative Nancy" or "Debbie Downer" all the time. As bloggers, we put ourselves out there for public scrutiny.  But we choose what we want to share with our readers. Obviously, we don't share every aspect of our lives. So, as readers, you might think you know us. But, just remember, not everything is as it seems. We are human beings too with faults and imperfections just like everyone else :)

This week, I'm thankful for my wonderful co-workers. I'm not sure I would have made it all week without their grace and support!

Despite feeling poorly and all the stress in my life, I've been consistent with my diet and my workouts. I'm super excited about starting to work with my new trainer next week! I'm sad about not coaching Pathways this session, but I'm excited about gaining some strength to hopefully help decrease running injuries in the future! And I'll try to sneak in a run with Pathways here and there for old times sake!

No big plans for us this weekend. I'm going to sleep until I'm not tired tomorrow morning. Then I think I'll treat myself to a pedicure for Mother's Day.

Until next time--get up, get out, and get moving! Whatever you do today, remember to be awesome!

Your friend,


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Workout Wednesday~~Warm Weather Running Tips

Good morning folks!!

It's only Wednesday and it's been a long week already!!  I seriously could stay home and sleep today.

My allergies have been OUT OF CONTROL the past couple of days. Oak tree pollen is very high right now and it has been super windy the past 3 days. We could actually see a fine yellow dust of pollen blowing of the trees at one point. And hubs decided to mow the yard Monday night, which didn't help any. I've been severely sniffley and sneezy and just plain miserable for a couple of days!

Monday was the first day of a new session of Pathways, the 10k running program that I coach at Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa. For the first time in 3 years, I am not coaching. I've agreed to be a substitute coach but wanted to focus on cross training this summer and I wanted some flexibility with my time/schedule. I haven't coached them since my injury in mid February, so I didn't think it would be a big deal to take the summer off. But, it's a bigger blow than I initially realized. Being a running coach is a large part of my identity and it's strange to not be involved with the group. I'm trying to convince myself that taking this time to focus on becoming stronger will serve to make me a better coach to them in future sessions. It's going to take some time for me to realize that. Right now, I'm really missing them!!  I think I might go run with them once a week so that I don't feel so left out or isolated.

And, as if that isn't enough on my plate aleady.....yesterday afternoon, my mother in law suffered a pretty serious fall. She stood up and was turning around when she fell resulting in a large laceration/head wound and she sustained a hip fracture. We're not sure if she lost her balance and fell or if her hip broke resulting in the fall. All I know for sure is that she is going to have to have it surgically repaired and that it will most certainly be a lengthy recovery for her. She has been able to stay at home with her husband and function fairly independently with hubs and home health support. I think this is the beginning of the end of all that. I'm fairly certain that she will no longer be able to stay home alone. I think we're probably looking at nursing home placement for her. This will most certainly increase the stress level and work load for my husband. He will have to make more frequent trips to check on his dad and will have to make separate trips to check on his mother too. I'm going to do something that I never do here, but thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

The weather has been warming up pretty quickly around here, so I thought it would be a good idea to address some warm weather running tips for today's Workout Wednesday.

A few things that will help you with running in the heat:
1: Wear light, moisture wicking clothing. Remember, less is more and no cotton! Frog togs are nice!
2: HYDRATE!! Drink plenty of water, Nuun, or the electrolyte replacement of your choice.
3: Wear sunscreen, a hat/visor and/or sunglasses.
4:  Don't eat anything heavy for lunch because you will probably be regretting that choice mid-run. And remember to eat a light snack pre-run for more energy. I really like the honey stinger waffles with a little fruit pre-run.
5: Be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion and other heat related illness/injury.
6: Adjust your schedule. Run in the morning or later in the evening to beat the extreme heat.
7: Carry water with you or plan your route where you will have frequent water stops.
8: Find some shade to run in. Don't be afraid to take walk breaks. Adjust your pace or intervals as needed to adjust to the heat.
Remember, heat can affect your performance 10-20% and that it takes about 2 weeks to acclimate to the heat. Running in the heat may not be ideal but it can be done.
Take it easy and be safe!!
Until next time--get up, get out and get moving. Whatever you do today, remember to be awesome at it!!
Your friend,

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Monday Motivation/Weekly Goals

Howdy, howdy folks!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I hope you're all having a fabulous day, so far!

Sorry for the late post, but I varied my routine this morning so I'm a little late getting to the party. One of the reasons for my running rut recently (say that 5 times fast) is that my circle of running friends have all been going different directions. We're all at different places in our training schedules, training for different races, have different agendas, etc. Some of us are just coming back from injuries, health issues and such. I realize that I can just go run by myself. But I really enjoy the social aspect of running. A lot of my friends have been running early in the morning at 5am. I can't join them that early. But this morning, some of them could meet at 6am. We did 4 miles, are a few gnats, and it was great! I'm hoping we can continue this over the summer! It was a good run. There was a little nagging pain in my heel but it was very minimal. I should have kinesio taped it, but it went away by mile 2. I was able to get ready for work at the gym and made it to work early even. Sometimes, if I vary my routine any, I'm a little "off" all day but today it was really great! Definitely started my day on a positive note!

We had a relatively good weekend at the lake. I did struggle a bit with maintain my healthy, clean eating. We always pack snacks for on the boat, usually chips, pretzels, crackers, adult beverages and things like that. I had a difficult time finding healthy snacks to take on the boat. And adult beverages are counter productive to any progress that I make during the week. I'm a little discouraged. I love the lake and floating on my boat. I'm not sure how I can do that and maintain my healthy habits. Plus, it ties up my whole weekend time that I usually grocery shop and meal prep. :-/

This week, I'm continuing the 21 Day Fix, week 2. I'm really liking the workouts. I've had to increase the calories on the meal plan though because I wasn't getting enough calories to begin with. I want to maintain my current weight and would be ok with adding a few pounds of lean muscle even.

This week's fitness goals are:

Monday--4 mile run; Total Body Cardio fix
Tuesday--Turkey Tuesday 3 mile run; Upper fix
Wednesday--Lower fix
Thursday--Pilates fix
Friday--Cardio fix
Saturday--Dirty 30
Sunday--Yoga fix

Until next time--get up, get out and get moving! Whatever you do today, remember to be awesome!

Your friend,


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Wrappin' It Up

Hello, hello folks!! TGIF

Sorry about the lack of posts this week. It's been busy and I've had a bit of writer's block. I'll try to do better next week.

So, here's a quick recap of what's been going on lately.

I haven't really run very much. :-(   I have, however, been consistent with my workouts this week.  I mentioned earlier that I was trying out the 21 Day Fix from Beachbody. It's a nutrition plan based on portion control along with a workout program. I'm loving these workouts!!  They each 30 minutes in length and are easy to modify if needed. Even hubs can do them!!  Here's what I did this week:

Monday: Total Body Cardio Fix
Tuesday: Upper Fix
Wednesday: Lower Fix
Thursday: Pilates Fix
Friday: Cardio Fix
Saturday: Dirty 30
Sunday: Yoga Fix

Yesterday, in addition to the pilates workout that I did yesterday, I did an upper body strength workout at lunch and then I met a couple of friends after work for a little run. We ended up walking most of our 3 miles because Patty's leg was bothering her. And I was ok with that after doing the Lower Fix on Wednesday, my left quad was a little tight too. The pilates workout helped stretch that out a bit though.

So, for 2 weeks, I've been working out consistently and I'm happy about that. I've been thinking about my long term goals and I think that I'm going to take some time to focus on strength training. I love running but I'm tired of being an injured runner. I hired a personal trainer yesterday and we're going to take the next 6 - 8 weeks to work on strengthening my non running muscles so that I'll be ready to return to running, hopefully injury free, when that fall training programs kick off in mid-July. I'm taking a hiatus from coaching the 10k program during this time. I've agreed to be a substitute coach on an as needed basis only. I need more flexibility and I have my own agenda at this time. I feel like I wouldn't be able to be as dedicated to that runners as I should be, so I think it's best to take a break.

This weekend, we're going to Lake Tenkiller to get our trailer set up in our usual camping spot for the summer. It's going to be warm this weekend, so we're going to take the boat out and I couldn't be happier!! I'm definitely a warm weather girl! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE warm sunshine and floating on the water!!  It soothes my soul! So, for the next 6 months, you'll find me at my happy place every weekend!!  We have some friends and family meeting us to go out on the boat, so this should be a very fun weekend! I'm been waiting for this since last September!!  It will be difficult for me to be very productive at work today! I've been trying to make out a list of food and supplies that I need and I'm discovering that boat snacks are going to be tricky this year since I've drastically cleaned up my diet. I still don't have it all figured out, but I will.

Until next time--get up, get out, and get moving. Whatever you do today, remember to be awesome!!

Your friend,
