Monday, December 26, 2011

New Year's Revolution

Since 88% of all New Year resolutions end in failure, I'm not making resolutions this year.  Instead, I'm setting goals.  I am looking at what I would like to accomplish this year and then I'm going to set REALISTIC goals to help succeed in my endeavors.  My fitness/life goals, thus far, are:

1.  Drink more water.  I usually do, but I've gotten very lazy about this recently.  So, my goal is 60 ounces of water daily.

2.  Eat more fruits/vegetables.  I also am usually pretty good about this but have gotten lazy about it in the past month.  My goal is 5 servings of fruit/vegetables daily.

3.  More physical activity.  I was really good about this too, but have gotten lazy over the past few months.  I was cross training 2-3 days/wk and running 2-3 days per week.  I haven't done enough cross-training since July and my running schedule, which was pretty firm, has been pretty sporadic for the past month.  This is going to be the biggest goal for me!!  My next half-marathon training program starts January 7, so my running schedule will become more regular. I've already registered for a half-marathon in March, so that gives me something to work towards.  But I absolutely must make it a priority to cross train for at least 20 minutes 2-3 days a week.

I think those are all do-able and very realistic goals!!  Who's going to help hold me accountable?  What are your fitness goals for 2012??

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